Welcome to the CCU Library Book Acquisition Recommendation System






七、推薦圖書採購進館後即編目上架,請多利用本館資源探索系統Primo VE查詢借閱。



中、日文圖書:吳小姐 分機15201;Email: admlatte@ccu.edu.tw
西文圖書:劉小姐 分機15203;Email: admcjl@ccu.edu.tw
期  刊:何小姐 分機15301;Email: libssh@ccu.edu.tw
電子資源:黃小姐 分機15303;Email: libylh@ccu.edu.tw
多媒體資料:劉小姐 分機15203;Email: admcjl@ccu.edu.tw

  1. Please note that ONLY the faculty, the staff and the students of CCU are welcome to recommend published materials, including general reading books, journals, and audio-visual or electronic resources that the library does not hold.

  2. The library accepts only general resources recommendations. Resources on specific studies will be referred to the related departments for evaluation and purchase.

  3. On account of the budgetary allowances, each reader is allowed to recommend 10 Chinese publications, 2 Western publications and 2 audio-visual items per year.

  4. Your recommendations will be considered for acquisition based on the library's acquisition principles and budgetary allowances.

  5. To expedite your request, please fill out the request form as completely as possible. We will review your recommendations and reply promptly by e-mail.

  6. Recommenders can choose whether they need priority reservations while making recommendations. The reservations can’t be canceled once they are placed. The library will inform you when to pick up the reserved items by e-mail.

  7. Once the recommended item is purchased, you are welcome to look it up on the Primo VE.
For further assistance please contact:
East Asian publications: Ms. Wu (ext. 15201) Email: admlatte@ccu.edu.tw
Western publications: Ms. Liu (ext.:15203) Email: admcjl@ccu.edu.tw
Journals: Ms. Ho (ext. 15301) Email:libssh@ccu.edu.tw
E-Resources: Ms. Hwang (ext.:15303) Email:libylh@ccu.edu.tw
Multimedia: Ms. Liu (ext.:15203) Email: admcjl@ccu.edu.tw